Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workin' on it Wednesday

Well, it's been a minute since I posted last. (Well, more like a gazillion minutes over the last 8 months.) Stress and work sort of took over this year and my poor blog aspirations clearly took a lengthy stay on the back burner. Rest assured that during my absence, however, I have remained quite busy making classroom goodies that I'm anxious to share with you all. So welcome back and let's get on with it! :)

So during my usual morning blog trolling, I stumbled across KinderGal's "Workin' on it Wednesday" linky party. Teachers are linking up to share what projects and activities they are working on now that summer is finally here!

So what am I working on these days? Well, as of 3 days ago, summer is in full swing and I truly have a MASSIVE project ahead of me. I am switching schools next year (not grade levels though) and the school I am moving to is still being built. It will be brand-spanking new come August! Not truly knowing what my new classroom will look like (including the closet/storage space I will be working with) I opted to bring EVERYTHING home with me over the summer rather than to have it moved directly to the new school. Since the new school is still under construction, my stuff would likely have been sitting in boxes in a room/warehouse until August anyway. The anxiety of not being able to access things on the chance that I desperately needed something over the summer was just NOT something I was prepared to handle. So into my husband's JEEP it all went and home it came to rest in our house. It was definitely a PROCESS packing it up and getting it all home. Now that it's here (literally taking over my entire home office), I am somewhat overwhelmed but nevertheless determined to sort through it all.

There is literally NO walkway into this room right now. You can barely see my 27in iMac on the desk way behind all of those boxes! Also bear in mind that this room does not include any of the furniture that I brought home. I have those items stashed away in the basement. (Honestly, I feel like a hoarder!! Yikes. Maybe I have too much stuff. Do you guys have this much stuff too? Please tell me you do and then maybe I won't feel so bad...) Sidenote: my friends think I might have a Sterilite addiction. They might be right...

It's a tough sight to see my office in this state but I'm really trying to remain positive. This will be a chance for me to sort through things that I need and don't need. It will also give me a chance to reorganize EVERYTHING. I'm definitely thinking of re-organizing my classroom library. I will also possibly organize materials by quarter or even by month to make certain things easier to find. Beyond my organization project, I already have a few ideas for materials I want to create for the upcoming school year along with illustrations/clip art I have been dying to get to. I have some ideas for materials I want to update and I'm also signed up for a few summer grad classes. (No surprise there)! Oh, and at some point, I am supposed to get all four of my wisdom teeth extracted. Blah... I can't say that I'm looking forward to that but it will be nice to finally cross that "errand" off my list if when it finally does get done. (I've been putting it off for over 2 years now). I must say, it's shaping up to be a pretty busy summer and I'm only 3 days into it! Hopefully, I'm able to fit some fun and relaxation in there too!

Alright, that's all for now. Time to get to work! Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Girlie... I feel your pain! Last year the campus I moved to was having rennovations. Everything went into my garage until the building opened late, late, late in the summer. You do have lots of stuff, but I love how it is all fitted neatly into plastic containers. I wish I could say the same!

    1. Thank you for your kind words KaSandra! I think I am fortunate to at least have the entire summer to go through it all, I just have to pace myself so I don't get overwhelmed. The plastic boxes may prove to be helpful for that so I that I can just work on a few bins at a time. We shall see. Wish me luck! Thanks again for stopping by!


  2. You have lots of good stuff! I am sure you know right where everything is! Right? Good luck with the move. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Well, I think I have a general idea of where MOST things are. Fortunately, most of the containers I used are all clear rather than just brown packing boxes. I know that will come in handy when I need to find something specific in all that mess! Haha!


  3. I know exactly how you feel! Our school is remodeling and we had to take everything home. You have about a third of what I brought home and put into storage!! (Compared to yours I'm feeling like a hoarder!!) Thank God for my husband's HUGE shop, which by the way is packed. He's not real happy, but it was out of my control. Yay on your new school!!!!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Yep, a big yay on my new school!! :) I am definitely excited about it! Also, hearing that I'm not the only teacher with a house that is stuffed with teaching supplies honestly made me feel SO much better! Thank you! :) I have eeked my way into my office a few times over the last few days in search of various things and it is quite a feat navigating my way around but it is doable with some serious effort. Hopefully it will get easier as I make attempts to sort through it. =P Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Oh, I can so relate to this! A couple years ago I had to move to a considerably smaller classroom. I had years' worth of wonderful materials that I could just not let go of. The extra went into the garage and we lost it as a garage– the car won't fit. I am glad I did it though because I have indeed needed some of that stuff again and could go back and get it. Maybe this summer I'll get around to selling and giving away what remains. :( Hang in. You'll get it where it all belongs eventually. Kidpeople Classroom

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words Kathleen! I had thought about possibly selling any superfluous things too. That is actually really good motivation to make me go through it in a hurry! Haha! I think I'll go get started. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

