Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Meet Me

Happy Monday friends! It's the start of another week of summer. I can't believe how fast the summer weeks go! Today I'm linking up with The Teaching Tribune to share a little about ME! Get excited about it! Woo-hoo!!!

So first up, a few random facts about me:

1) I am kid number 5. I have two older sisters, two older brothers and two younger brothers. There is a twenty year age difference between the oldest and youngest of us.

2) In fact, my husband and I even designed our wedding around an 80’s cartoon theme! I created various illustrations for the wedding invitations and other items and I loved it because the theme was totally US. Even our cake toppers were Leonardo (TMNT) and Red Fraggle (Fraggle Rock). Refer to the photo below if you are unsure of who these characters are.

Here's a look at the invitations we sent out (website, date and place have been removed; hence the big blank spaces). I really love how non-traditional they came out even in terms of the wording. Truthfully, I don't think formal text would have worked with cartoons anyway. Haha!

3) Prior to finally getting my license, I had over 5 driver's permits (over a period of 10 years) and even took the MD Driver's Ed course TWICE but I never got around to actually taking the driver's license test. Part of the reason was because I went to college in Washington D.C. and it's just pointless to drive and deal with parking in D.C. After college, I ended up with jobs that were fairly close to my house so I just got used to using public transportation. When I switched careers and became a teacher though, it made it a little more challenging to get around without driving. Good thing my super supportive husband was willing and able to help me finally get it done!!

Alright, I'm off to bed!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Theresa! Just saw your comment on my blog and I had to stop by and say hello! You totally made my day (I didn't think anyone actually read my blog lately!) LOL! I'm totally loving this post. So much fun to get to know you a little more! Absolutely love your wedding invitation. How cute is that? Thanks again so much for your comment, and I hope to meet you at the conference in just a few short weeks! I'm sooooooo excited!

    Making Lemonade in Second Grade
